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Imagine if you had the ability to read a man's mind like an open book...

"Discover the secrets of the masculine perspective so that you can get through to any man, connect with him heart to heart, and inspire his deepest loyalty and commitment"

The ultimate value you as a woman can present to a man is your ability to understand and appreciate his masculine perspective. This is how to go about it...


Dear Lovely Friend and Beautiful Soul…

It’s D. Shen & Renee from Shen Wade Media, where we teach you how to show up as a high value, high status woman that men love to commit to.

Imagine for a moment, if you had the ability to read a man's mind like an open book…

You would see all his deepest and most protected desires and fears, you'd see all his strengths as well as his vulnerabilities.

Imagine the power you would have that would come with this type of insight and knowledge.

Imagine never having any disconnects, misunderstandings or miscommunications with men because you can see right through them and understand what they really mean without them ever having to tell you a thing.

Not to mention being able to speak his language to really bypass his defenses and communicate the way he understands.

This is not just a farfetched dream… this is completely achievable if you are willing to spare some of your time and attention to listen closely.

The more knowledge you have in men and their masculine filters, drives and masculine world, The more power you will have with men.

The less knowledge you have in men, the more confusion, more frustration and PAIN you will have with men. (We're not trying to make you feel bad here… but we don't want to sugarcoat any inconvenient truths either.)

This is how life really is… no exaggeration or hyperbole.


The cause of all misunderstandings, miscommunications and misfortune with men


My guess is… at some point in your life, you had a disconnect with a man, perhaps due to a misunderstanding or miscommunication.

(Perhaps it was an important man in your life at the time.)

And that disconnect may have lead to something bigger down the track.

Perhaps a loss of attraction in the relationship, perhaps a sense of incompatibility.

By the way, nobody is immune to this. It doesn't matter how beautiful a woman is, or successful a man is, we are all susceptible to disconnection in our intimate relationship.

Here's why…

Men and women are different creatures.

Men and women have different innate biology, different natural instinctive drives and reproductive agendas.

The differences between men in their natural masculine state, and women in their natural feminine state is absolutely astounding.

Trying to communicate to men the same way you would with your girlfriends, is a sure recipe for disaster.

Because men don't respond to the same methods of communication as women do.

Because men don't see life through the feminine filters that women are used to every single day.


Why your feminine way of thinking
will always fail with men


The women who get left, who get dumped, who get cheated on, or abused, are the women who understand men THE LEAST, no matter how beautiful, smart, or successful they are.


Because women who struggle with relationships with men in general are always finding themselves in disconnects, misunderstandings and miscommunications with men.

What the man is "trying" to communicate is completely misinterpreted by these women because they aren't able to see things from his masculine point of view.

And a series of these disconnects can destroy any attraction and positive momentum a relationship has.

(Of course I'm not defending men's actions here when it comes to abuse or cheating… I just want you to understand some simple truths.)

These disconnects eventually turn into a cycle of unnecessary pain and suffering as well as plummeting self esteem.

On the other hand there are a small collection of women of all ages and background that find themselves in happy and successful relationships because they aren't stuck in their own feminine world and feminine filters.

These women are able to move beyond that.

These women aren't better looking or smarter than anyone else, but they do have one thing in common.

They get men. They get the common masculine perspective and they can appreciate that men are different creatures to women.

Because of this one fact, they are able to relate to men, connect with them heart to heart and really have a deep influence in men's lives.

Remember, knowledge is power.

In-depth knowledge in men and their masculine perspective, means having tremendous power with men. (Plus, every single man would be over the moon to find a woman who actually “understands” him, as opposed to the hordes of women who don't, or even worse...don't care to.)


You are getting it wrong if you do any of these…


Have you ever done something that was seemingly harmless, and then suddenly he has a knee-jerk reaction as if you’d just destroyed everything you ever had with this man?

(Don't worry, every woman has… it's a part of the learning curve.)

Let me give you some examples…

You’ve tried to be “honest with him” by telling him how you feel… (and suddenly he “disappears”?)

You’ve avoided talking to him about big issues like moving in together or marriage…(because you learnt not to tread on dangerous grounds…)

You’ve tried to “play it cool” with a man, (and it has… backfired?)

You’ve told him that you are here for him if he wants to open up about any problems… (but he never opens up!)

You’ve tried to solve his emotional problems for him… (This is a very dangerous one indeed!)


You’ve tried to reassure a man which never seems to make a difference.

Look, here’s the thing…

Men react in those situations, not because he hates you or dislikes what he has with you, it’s because men and their masculine perspective have multiple inherent fears when it comes to women, dating & relationships.

And as you may guess, these inherent fears are different to your own fears as a woman. So it may be very difficult for you to relate to them, and for most women, they never even start to "get" it.

You see, when Dr. John Gray wrote his book, “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”, he’s really trying to point out the huge hardwired differences between men and women.

It’s literally like chalk and cheese.

But if you want to have a man love you, adore you and worship you… then there is no other way, you NEED to understand of how the masculine brain works.

“YES! I want to understand the masculine perspective”

It’s NOT His Fault…he has his own masculine agendas


Now I’m not defending men for their sometimes erratic behavior, but I do want to make a very strong point here.

Almost everything every man thinks, feels and does is because of his masculine hardwiring… (and it's in his DNA and hormonal makeup).

And because of this, men have a different set of triggers and hot buttons when it comes to love and relationships.

I mean, think about it…

How many times have we witnessed a man, not able to and not wanting to commit to a woman, only to breakup and completely commit to another woman?

It's not because he didn't want to have a committed relationship. (Obviously.)

It's because he was in a relationship where he was not inspired to commit deeper.

It's because he was in a relationship where he wasn't feeling what he needs to feel in order for him to want to take things to the next step.

You can't really put the blame on him because he's just operating from his common masculine perspective.

See, there are emotional triggers that inspire a man to commit to a woman, just as there are emotional triggers that inspire him to walk away.

There are emotional triggers that inspire a man to care about a woman, just as there are triggers for him to use and abuse her.


The only way to ever get through to
men at the deepest level…


Imagine for a moment with me...

Imagine if a man doesn’t “get” you as a woman. He doesn’t understand what your life is like as a woman living in your feminine energy.

And because as such, he doesn’t appreciate or respect you fully as a woman. In other words, he simply has no idea what you have to go through, makes you tick, and what irritates you.

Imagine a man who’s always crossing the line, stepping on your toes, and disrespecting your boundaries of what you are comfortable with.

How would that make you feel inside? Just imagine how secretly disappointing that would feel…

And it's not always the right thing to voice it either, because some things shouldn't always have to be said.

Same can be said the other way round.

Imagine how men would feel if you inadvertently showed that you do not appreciate or respect him as a man. (Not that you may even mean it, but it happens so naturally when you operate from your feminine energy.)

Just as you would want a man who "gets" you, in all your feminine expressions, all men would love to have a woman who "gets" them in their masculine expressions without having to spell out every single detail.

Because of this understanding, there is a sense of deep respect and appreciation…

...That is how to get through to men at the deepest levels.

And by the way, if that deep respect and appreciation wasn't there, then it would not take long before the feeling of distance would creep into that relationship.

(As you probably know by now, men naturally pull away from women who don't get them or respect their masculine perspective.)

So if you ever want a man to adore you, worship you, treat you like you’re the only woman on Earth, then you owe it to yourself to understand the common masculine perspective.


What do you mean the
"common masculine perspective"?


Every single man who lives in his masculine energy has a set of masculine drives, rules, and beliefs that he subconsciously operates from… whether he knows it or not, whether he can voice it or not.

(And unless he takes specific hormones, he would never deviate from this masculine perspective because it is how he is hardwired. It is in his biology and neurology.)

And as such this set of blueprints lie beyond our social conditioning and beyond what rules we've learnt as kids.

As you can imagine, this set of blueprints would be indeed powerful.

Because here's what you have to understand and appreciate...

All men in their masculine energy have common desires and common fears in life and in relationships.

All men in their masculine energy  have common triggers for attraction and common triggers for commitment.

All men in their masculine energy have common things to look for a woman for both sex and for relationships.

All men in their masculine energy have a common mindset when it comes to relationships, its timeline and progression.

All men in their masculine energy have common emotional hot buttons when it comes to the feminine energy.

This whole set of blueprints, is what we want to teach you and help you master. Because this set of blueprints will determine how successful your relationships and your interactions with men will be now and for the rest of your life.

Let Me Ask You Something Important...

Do you want to continue making irreparable mistakes with men and continue to pay the price?

Do you want to be caught up again and again in a man’s defense mechanism and eventually get nowhere with him… only to lose his attention and affection?

Or would you love to have total control and hypnotic influence with every man you meet by knowing exactly what he wants and needs, even better than he knows himself?

In other words, do you want to be a woman that NO man gets along with? Or would you love to be the woman no man can live WITHOUT?

The choice is yours. If you want to continue this journey… then please read on…


Spend the next 14 days with us to master the common masculine perspective and read men like open books


We want to invite you to spend the next 14 days with us to understand every facet of the common masculine perspective.

FYI - this is no ordinary program…

Picture this as the equivalent of a university degree in understanding men and their masculine perspective. (Of course compressed into 2 weeks of immersive training.)

This is not a program of “try this and try that”. This is a program of solutions, answers and results.

We've taken some of the most advanced concepts and broken them down to simple to understand ideas, concepts and theories. (Not to mention, exercises to help you fully grasp all the transformations this program will bring you.)

We've had literally thousands of members going through this program and the feedback has been overwhelmingly amazing. We can't wait for you to also join our thousands of members and truly become one of the rare women in this world who "get" men.

This whole program was put together by the both of us and we personally teach all of it to you. And the best part is that we combine both our masculine and feminine perspectives for you to fully understand every side of the equation.  

“YES! I want to understand the masculine perspective”

A small glimpse into your discoveries and transformation in the next 14 days…


Understanding Men is broken into 7 separate modules and delivered every second day to you. In each module, we focus on one facet of the common masculine perspective and have you fully immerse in that knowledge.

From man's greatest fears and desires, to men in dating and long term relationship, we cover everything you need to know about the masculine perspective in the next 14 days.

It is going to require some of your time and attention, but it will be MORE than worth it long term.

Here are some of the things you will discover and learn inside the program…

Laying Down the Foundations About Men

  • We will start by sharing with you the 10 most advanced and profound insights into men and how they are built to be different to women. (If you don’t pay any attention for the rest of the program, make sure you watch this video. This alone will open your eyes to the world of masculine perspective, and change the way you interact with men.)

  • You will learn the exact triggers that would instantly make 90% of all men run, withdraw, disappear, and leave even if you thought things were going well with him. (And of course we’ll show you what you should be doing instead!)

  • You’ll discover the most powerful exercise to do right now, in order to “wake you up” from the confusion and frustration you’ve had with men.

  • You’ll learn how men are actually physically, biochemically and psychologically hardwired to be like “aliens” to us women. (And how you need to “look” at men in order for him to feel connected to you)

  • You’ll discover a man’s true intentions with you, regardless of how he’s acting with you right now. (This insight itself will shatter your old paradigm about men, and instil a new one that men will love you for!)

  • We’re also going to talk about how your history with men, has shaped and affected the way you interpret a man’s behavior and has shaped the filter in which you see men through.

  • We’re going to give you an exercise to dig out the root cause of why you’ve had those issues with men in the past, and make it vanish instantly.

Inside A Masculine Hunter’s Mind

  • You’ll learn what the masculine brain is hardwired to be attracted to, and it’s usually not what we women think it is. (Testosterone changes and shapes a man’s brain very differently to a woman’s brain, so stop trying to analyze his behavior using your feminine instincts!)
  • You’ll discover why a man may not call you back or get back to you for hours if not days. (And it’s not usually because he didn’t want to, but because he’s operating through a masculine filter.)
  • You’ll learn why it stimulates a man’s mind and body to continue on the hunt, and continue the pursuit, but once it’s over, he loses his internal drive and motivation. (This is critical to understand if you’ve ever felt like a man had stopped pursuing you and taken you for granted.)
  • You’ll learn the 3 things that every masculine hunter looks for in a woman. (And if you can figure out what these 3 things are… then I guarantee that men will see you as a “perfect catch”.)
  • You’ll learn what true femininity is, and how to exude your own natural feminine essence to lure and attract men without looking like you’re trying at all.
  • You’ll discover the simple 5 word phrase you must say before speaking to your man, in order to get past his masculine defense and get him to listen, connect and appreciate you as a woman. (It’s all about communicate to him in his own language!)

The Modern Man’s Greatest Desires & Fears

  • You’ll discover how this masculine hunter brain has evolved to operate in this twenty first century world where we now have Facebook, internet dating sites and contraception. (These new inventions have really shifted and altered the rules of the interactions between men and women, so if you don’t stay up to date and understand how it works today, you will be left behind!)

  • You will learn one of the greatest insights about men… which is their greatest desires and fears. (If you don’t know what drives a man on the inside, then you will never be able to figure out why he acts the way he does on the outside, and after learning this, you will know things about him that even he doesn’t know about himself.)

  • You’ll be able to see inside of what goes on in a man’s brain, and why he thinks, feels and behaves the way he does! (And if you were to ever meet a man’s needs, you need to know what is going on INSIDE of him)

  • You’ll learn the key differences between an emotionally mature & responsible man vs a man who is immature, irresponsible and will not take you seriously.

  • Discover the ONE Lethal thing to NEVER do in your relationship with a man, and if you do, it literally spells the END for you two. (We all know that men have sensitive egos and aren’t as emotionally fit as us women are. This is one thing you never want to do in your relationship to hurt his ego!)

  • Do you know what the sexiest thing to every single red blooded man is? You will certainly find out! (And no, it’s not your body, or your face, it’s not anything remotely sexual… yet every single man is a sucker for this!)

Men & Dating: How to Attract The Right Man?

  • Do you know what are the key things that an emotionally mature man looks for in a woman? If you don’t, you will lose him to another woman who knows and appreciates those key things. (There are approximately 50 million single women in the US alone, who are more than happy to compete with you)

  • You will be getting inside the shoes of a man and discover why the dating scene is actually really scary and intimidating from a man’s eyes. (And why it’s important that you put a man at ease before you can get to know him)

  • You’ll learn the 4 most dangerous dating mistakes that women are making over and over, that are killing their chances with any decent man they meet. (Men will literally lose any desire for you and run the other way, and most women don’t even realize.)

  • Do you know what the number 1 rule to follow when it comes to dating? This rule is critical for you to follow in dating, yet rather useless when you get into a committed relationship. (This single rule will automatically give men the impression that you are a highly desirable, highly sought after woman, and make them chase you like you are the prize!)

  • You’ll learn the important skill of attracting the right types of men, and naturally repelling those jerks, weirdos, losers, psychos and crazies! (I’ve seen this again and again, women attracting men who are just not right for them… only for the woman to discover way too late!)

  • You’ll discover what to say and more importantly, what NOT to say to a man to instantly capture his attention, get him to care for you even if he wasn’t attracted to you in the first place.

  • Learn the real reason behind why men chase you, and then loses interest after he “gets” you. (This has everything to do with a man’s hardwiring and blueprint and nothing to do with you. I’m also going to show you how to avoid this common trap women get themselves into.)

Getting Past a Man’s Commitment Resistance

  • You’ll learn why over 80% of men are deathly afraid of actually building a real committed relationship, and how you can easily inspire him to commit by giving him this ONE simple thing. (And NO, it’s not sex… it’s not your love, it’s not even close…)

  • Discover how to turn the emotional unavailable man, into a deeply committed and loyal lover. (This is all about knowing a man’s emotional hot buttons, and pushing them at the right times.)

  • Discover how to connect deeply with your man’s heart and soul, and make him feel like he has known you forever. (and as a result, you become the only indispensable woman in his life.)

  • You’ll discover why every masculine man has to have commitment resistance and how you can easily maneuver around it by caring for his needs first. (Believe it or not, most men actually WANT a deeply committed relationship to one woman, but they usually need a woman to help set that up!)

  • We’ll show you what freedom looks like to a man, and how you can give this golden treasure to a man without having him feel disconnected to you!

  • You’ll discover why men are so selfish no matter how much you have given YOURSELF to the relationship. (And better still, use a couple of the clever little strategies I’ll teach you to get him to give back to you.)

  • You’ll learn the 5 step process we’ve designed to help you inspire emotional commitment from your man no matter how distant he’s been in the past.

Opening A Man Up in A Relationship

  • You’ll learn how to overcome those challenges that comes up in a relationship that prevent you from being close to your man and vice versa. (Do you know what kills intimacy faster than you can say the word “go”?)

  • How do you open a man up when he’s withdrawn, pulled away and disappeared?

  • How do you make him feel more attracted to you in a long term relationship and prevent him from looking elsewhere?

  • You’ll get an internal perspective of what men really want from a long term relationship, and how this may differ to what women want in a relationship. (I’m not talking about the obvious answers, but the things he doesn’t tell you because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings or lose your love.)

  • You’ll learn the 4 key things all men want and need in a long term committed relationship in order to be satisfied and happy.

  • You’ll learn the psychology behind why some men want an open relationship, and how destructive that would be for a woman… (remember this, men settle for open relationships when they haven’t found the “right” woman to be fully exclusively committed to yet!)

  • You’ll learn the subconscious things that you’re doing right now that’s pushing him away. (Nothing is worse than getting taken for granted. And nothing will kill your chances of a committed relationship than being a low value woman)

Men, Sex, Cheating & Monogamy

  • You’ll discover some hot answers to these common yet important questions you may have… Does he want to have sex with other women? Will he cheat on me? Is monogamy what he actually wants? Or would he prefer to have an “open” relationship?

  • You’ll learn the scientific research behind whether men are NATURALLY monogamous or not? (Let me give you a hint… the short answer is no, but the long answer is yes!)

  • You’ll discover why most men hate the idea of monogamy… and how you can painlessly inspire him to be exclusive with you and only you. (If you ever want a man to yourself, then you owe it to yourself to understand this important concept.)

  • You’ll learn what sex really means to a man, the secrets that men know from a young age that women never find out about. (We all know sex is important to a man, but do you know what the real value of sex is to a man?)

  • Learn the dual mating strategies that every male has inherited in his DNA and how that affects his faithfulness to you. (This is truly advanced material, and I want you to take your time going through this…)

  • You’ll discover the only way to prevent him from cheating on you and leaving you. This isn’t any kind of hype, this is the real deal. It’s not about sending just a simple text message to you man, so if you’re in the market for that, this is not for you. These are advanced concepts and advanced training and not for the faint hearted.

  • Easy to Follow Video Training

    All of our coaching videos are super easy to follow and understand.

  • Secure Membership Area

    You will get secure access to the membership area for our exclusive content.

  • Total 7 Modules Over 14 Days

    Strategic sequencing of content means less overwhelm for you and reaching clarity quicker.

  • Profound Insight Exercises

    Printout exercises after video training help you to have profound breakthroughs with men.

  • Anywhere Access

    Because it’s all hosted in our members area, you will be able to gain access regardsless where in the world you are.

  • Lifetime Upgrades

    Once you become a members, you will get access forever and all the upgrades and updates we release in the future.

  • iPhone and iPad Friendly

    All our videos, audios and PDFs are designed to be compatible wiht iPhones and iPads.

  • Outstanding Customer Support

    If anything goes wrong, or if you just have a question, we will make sure you are looked after!


7 Total Modules over 14 days, a fully equipped home study video course


Understanding Men is a 14 day coaching program. It is divided into 7 separate modules that are designed to be easy to digest for you.

All of these modules are held within our secure and exclusive library portal that hosts ALL of our programs.

And every modules contain a number of videos, audios and downloadable transcripts and exercises.

When you sign up to Understanding Men, you will get your unique login details, and have immediate access to the introduction and first module.

You will NOT be given access to the whole program when you sign up. We’ve designed it this way so that you wouldn’t be overwhelmed with the sheer amount of information.

You see, overwhelm doesn’t do you any good when you’re learning something new. So we’ve taken the liberty to sort it all out into a logical order, and deliver it all to you in bite-sized chunks.

Therefore you will only be given the first module at the time you sign up. Then 2 days after, you will receive the second module of Understanding Men.

(Of course we will be in your email inbox every step along the way to guide you through this!)

But get this…

When you register, you instantly become a LIFETIME MEMBER of Understanding Men. This means that you will receive any updates and future videos/articles that we post up in Understanding Men.

This is just another gesture to let you know that we care about all the women who become members and we want to make sure that they receive the best information, best advice and knowledge in the world.


Like to listen whilst driving? No problems.
Like to read instead? No problems!


Understanding Men is primarily a video based program as that is the most powerful method of content delivery.

Every module, several videos are released and you’re welcome to either watch these videos in our membership area, or download them and watch them at your leisure.

However, this may not always be your cup of tea… and that's completely OK!

Inside of every video lesson, you will find the equivalent audio files for you to download and put onto your portable devices.

It doesn't end there.

Every video lesson is meticulously transcribed, so if you prefer to read over watching videos or listening to audio, then you can download these transcriptions underneath every single video and read at your own pace.

We made sure that we took the time necessary to make sure the whole course is prepared in a way that you can digest the information regardless of your learning style.

By the way, if you can't finish the whole course within our recommended 14 days, no problems. We all have busy lives and there is absolutely no pressure on you to finish in time.

You have lifetime access to the program inside our library portal, and you are welcome to visit ANY TIME! (We will never take it offline.)

Not only that, but many of our members study through our courses multiple times, which drives the knowledge deeper into their awareness. (And there's always new things to pick up the 2nd time or 3rd time around!)

You are very welcome to do that as well.


"This the Education That Every Woman Needs"


Actually this isn't from us, it is a comment from one of our lovely members of Understanding Men.

After she went through this home study program, she sent us an email telling us how this should be compulsory learning for all women at a young age.

She followed by telling us about her negative experiences with men in the past and wishing how she learned about this 22 years ago.

That’s 22 years of pain and agony, because of the lack of education and understanding.

Remember, knowledge is power. Knowledge in men, is your power with men.

So just take a moment to imagine this again…

Imagine for a moment, if you had the ability to read a man's mind like an open book…

You would see all his deepest and most protected desires and fears, you'd see all his strengths as well as his vulnerabilities.

You'd easily see whether a man is emotionally mature or not, whether he’s responsible in relationships or not.

Imagine the power you would have that would come with this type of insight and knowledge.

Imagine never having any disconnects, misunderstandings or miscommunications with men because you can see right through them and understand what they really mean without them ever having to tell you a thing.

Not to mention being able to speak his language to really bypass his defenses and communicate the way he understands.

How would that feel?

How would it feel for men to adore you because you “get” them and understand them far deeper than any other woman out there?

This knowledge of the masculine perspective will no doubt transform you for the rest of your life. The awareness, understanding and insights you get to keep forever.

So let me ask you this… is this worth paying $0.54 a day (That's right, only 54 cents) to give yourself all of this?

Let me explain…

“YES! I want to understand the masculine perspective”

So... what is the Investment?


A semester at a respected college or university will set you back many thousands of dollars. It's no joke.

Would you invest thousands of dollars for yourself to have a world class education in THE MOST IMPORTANT area of life… your intimate relationships with men?

Well, thankfully, our program Understanding Men won’t cost you even a fraction of that.

Let me put this another way for you…

Would you pay just 54 cents a day to learn everything you need to know about the common masculine perspective?

Would you pay just 54 cents a day to learn the deepest fears and deepest desires of every man you come across?

Would you pay just 54 cents a day to learn to become that rare woman who is unrivalled and completely irreplaceable and indispensable?

Because that's how much this program works out to be when you spread the costs over a whole year.

To give you some context, we've charged over $5,000 per month for our private coaching. (Which we are not currently doing, so no need to ask.)

So for just two monthly payment of $99, you will get full access and lifetime membership to our Understanding Men program.

You will get every single video in the series, all the audio Mp3 downloads, all the meticulously transcribed notes and the worksheets.

All of this will be available to you in the member’s area.

And of course, in the many years that I’ve been helping women online, we’ve never allowed anyone to walk around claiming that they’ve wasted their money with us, and we are not about to start.

Use Coupon Code: UM30OFFTODAY to get 30% OFF


Is Understanding Men the right program for me?


By now you probably already know in your gut whether Understanding Men is right for you.

But just in case you’re still not sure, then remember, this program is certainly NOT for you if… If you don’t care about your love life and you don’t care what men secretly think or feel.

If you don’t honestly want a deeper and stronger connection with men, and want to live your own life as a single woman. (There’s really nothing wrong with this by the way.)

If you are already in that deeply committed and deeply passionate relationship where there’s nothing that can come between you and your man. Where your man actively worships you and expresses love for you like there’s no tomorrow.

On the other hand, if you want more love and attraction from your man, if you

want a relationship that others envy, then we would totally suggest that you get started with Understanding Men today.

After all, time is ticking.

Us women are not getting any younger by the minute. If you’re at all confused and frustrated with the men in your life, then you have to be aware of the serious consequences it’s having on your life.

It is wasting your time, wasting your life, wasting your youthfulness, wasting your precious reproductive value. And worst of all, it’s wasting your opportunity of actually having a man who worships you and adores you. Understanding Men is, without a doubt, the best program of its kind, hands down.

After all, power comes from knowledge. Your power with men, will come from your knowledge in men and their masculine perspective.

This is your journey, let’s take the next step together.


What does your gut say?


Look, if your gut tells you that this program Understanding Men is something you’d like to study and learn from, then trust your gut instinct.

Look, just like all our programs, if you don’t become a raving fan of it, if you don’t absolutely love it, then we insist you take your money back.

It’s literally like going to your favorite restaurant, ordering your favorite dish and have the option of not paying if it doesn’t taste amazing and make you want more. That’s the only way we do business, and it’s not about to change.

See here's the thing…

You know already that the only way to create deep connections with men, you need to understand relationships from their masculine perspective.

You know already that in order to have a man deeply committed to you and in love with you, they need to know that you "get" them on their level.

You know already that you have the power inside to eliminate all the disconnects, misunderstandings and miscommunication with men.

The next logical step for you to take is to join us for the next 14 days. Come along and really master the masculine perspective so that you will become that rare woman who “gets” men and have their adoration.


Still Not Sure?


If you’re at all skeptical about this, we understand.

You have every right to be.

I’ve seen the garbage that’s being sold out there on the Internet. – Most of it is pure rubbish and rehashed BS. In fact, most of it would be classified as toxic information.

Understanding Men is different. This is the real deal, no B.S. (If you've studied any of our numerous programs, you'd know the quality that we bring to the table every time.)

And of course, all the risk on us, (as it should be).

Go through the complete program, study it, critique it and use it.

If for any reason at all, (or no particular reason), you don't feel like this program is everything we've promised, just let us know.

We will insist that you keep every cent you invested, because we've never let anyone walk around claiming they’ve wasted their money with us.

(And we're not about to start.)

You really have nothing to lose.

If you are reading this far, then we know this is something that would benefit you tremendously.

Our team and ourselves are always here to support your journey, and at any point, you don’t feel right or you are stuck with something, let us know. We have seen so many hundreds and thousands of women go through similar journeys and we are here to help you every step along the way.

You can find us and our team here at our helpdesk… (Don’t be shy, we all love to hear from you.)

We both know how amazing this offer is. Take the offer before it gets lost in the ebb and flow of life.

Hope to see you inside and as always… sending you lots of love!

Renee Wade & D. Shen

Founders of Shen Wade Media

P.S.  Remember the investment is only $0.54 a day, what else would you do with that $0.54 other than to master the masculine perspective and become the rare woman who men adore, and are able to connect deeply with?

P.P.S. Remember, you will always be protected by our 30 day “Raving Fan” guarantee which means if you don’t become a raving fan of it, if you don’t absolutely love it, then we insist you have your money back. That’s how we have always done business and it’s not about to change.


Our Members Love the Program, You Probably Will Too...


I've been telling all of my friends about your site. It has completely transformed my broken relationship with my soul mate and we are better than ever now. Therefore, you’re kind of saving my life. Thank you so much. You’re amazing.


I have to say a big thank you to you two and how grateful I am and in many ways fortunate that I came across you and your website!

You have been inspiring and hopeful for me. Not only do you educate me and take me out of the darkness but you also helped me find a new way of thinking. A way to adopt a new attitude and make change in my life.

You have empowered me in more ways that I thought possible, not only in how I have started to interact with males but with all people I interact.

That thing that empowered me so much was those few words that you wrote and they were ‘I am more than enough’

Those words had an immediate effect on me, it’s like as I read them and took my next breath they became apart of me and then it occurred to me how many times I have felt not enough and I did the worst thing ever by trying and trying and then trying even harder and ending up nowhere. Feeling like I am more than enough takes away all the pressure of having to do or having to be and allows me to ‘just be’.

Thank you so very much Renee. I have to be honest with you I have others that I receive help from in this field and you are by far the most resourceful and most giving of all.

Thank you so very much and I hope my energy of gratitude reaches your Being.

Thank you


Wow this was such an eye opener!

I never realized that this could be damaging to my relations with men until I read this. I stepped back and really thought about it for a while and all the moments my guy pulled away just clicked!

You are really opening my eyes to things I never would have guessed. And every single piece of advice you give, I try out, and it has all worked! I have told tons of my girlfriends about your blog and I'm sure they will get the same results as me. Again, a big thanks for what you do!

P.S. I want to do another one of your programs, but I am a broke college student and will have to wait before I can do them all.

Best Wishes,


Mary Gracie

Dear Renee... Im sure this work keeps you really busy on line...but i must share my positive feedback with you, as i am a busy woman like anyone else I am doing the program slowly...

I'm only up to module 3 or 4 and you have sent all of them......but wow....renee....I couldn't believe it... today when i received a thank you card from my man telling me I am his soulmate body/mind/and spirit..

This is a gobsmacking success!

I am on a healing journey eating raw foods and drinking green juices, I am not living with my partner at this time, and we have had many troubles due to his alcoholism.

He has been attending AA 4 times a week and has been alcohol and drug free for 2 months and things are improving greatly. My journey is inspiring his journey and vice versa.

I have been VERY CONSCIOUSLY working with the tools so far given and yes they work...I am so grateful that my awareness is expanding. I am a more gentle person for it and getting ALOT more of what i want and desire. I feel much more attractive and conscious. looking forward to using all the tools yet to come in your fantastic programme.

Oh, and the first questionnaire asked which celebrity couple i like and i couldn't answer...but now i tell you its easy...BEYONCE and J ZEE.......soul mates spiritually aware and longtime committed. Happy new year and love and light and friendship extended back to you.

Love Rachel


I want to let you know that your emails have really helped me to understand men so much better.

For the last five years, it has been my mission to learn as much about attracting and keeping men as I possibly can. Back in 2008, after a string of bad relationships, I began reading anything I could get my hands on that pertained to Male Psychology.

I wanted to know everything about men, attracting and keeping them, what men want, etc, etc. I read books by different people, male or female, about how to be the kind of woman that make men swoon and what I learned finally paid off when I met Michael, my late husband.

Sadly, he passed away a year and a half ago and we weren't married long when he died. But what time we spent together was such a blessing and he was so good to me. He always put me first, he treated me like a lady, put me on a pedestal and he worked hard to make a life for the both of us.

And I feel like none of that would've been possible if it weren't for people like you. You are a blessing, Renee. Keep doing what you are doing. A lot of women can learn from you. And I thoroughly enjoy reading your emails.

Thank you so much.


"One of the best programs I've ever done on understanding the masculine mindset and how that affects us women!

Thank you for putting this program together"

Jamie Johnson
Jamie Johnson

Hello David And Renée!

Thank you so much for putting together these videos.. I have only done 2 days but I am learning so much!!!

I have a deep belief that by the time I finish the 7 days course, I will heal from hurtful past relationships with man and woman and will finally be able to have positive, constructive, and healthy relationship with others including with myself because I will understand better man and women.

You bring a new way of understanding man and therefore myself (women) that speaks so much to me !!

I have already been committed to improve myself and my boyfriend has already made some comments about me having good answers today! (he of course is not aware of me taken the course).

I still have a tendency to go back to my old habits, but I am working really hard to implement my new way of thinking as it brings me lots of peacefulness inside due to the fact that I now understand more man.

You both are literally changing my life for the better... Thank you soo much!!

Sonia Tremblay
Sonia Tremblay

Hey Renee

I’ve been meaning to write to you about this for a while! I want to thank you for all the great content and for what you do. Everything that

I’ve learned from commitment control, attraction control monthly, and understanding men has been enlightening and really useful. Of course you already know this, but I want to make sure you also know that the quality and uniqueness of your work has not gone unnoticed.

I love this concept of value–adding value to people’s lives. Ever since I’ve consciously focused on giving, my life has gotten so much better.

I’m not seeking approval as much as I used to, and when I am, I notice right away because I’ll usually get anxious (at which point I’ll stop to reevaluate, and go from there).

I’ve also been building my 3 types of value, and I’m so much happier because of that as well. My friend group is coming along–all of them are loving wonderful girls. I’ve grown spiritually because I’ve been giving more, loving more, and understanding instead of judging.

Another thing–I went to a new year’s eve party, and literally all the guys there were attracted to me. I didn’t have a minute to myself. This was clearly because of everything I had learned from you, because it hasn’t really happened before. And the best part is…..I wasn’t really trying or begging for attention. I was pretty much being myself and having fun.

As a college student, I find these programs (and pretty much everything else in life) to be expensive, but I truly believe in them. And the understanding I’ve gained is priceless–certainly more important than a new pair of shoes. What you’re doing is really meaningful, and society is in desperate need of it. It’s definitely an honor to contribute to keeping you in business. I hope you do this for many years to come.

I don’t know if you’ve looked into this, but I think that a lot of men in today’s society would benefit from similar content (that is geared toward them). I see a lot of men being just as disenchanted about relationships as women, and just as clueless about what women want, need, and find attractive. I looked around, out of curiosity, for men’s dating advice online. And it was just as bad as most of the women’s dating advice (if not worse!!). Do you, or maybe David, plan to eventually have similar programs for men as well?

Anyway, this email is running long. I’ve grown so much as a person from everything that I’ve learned from you, and I can see that this is just the beginning. It’s so exciting, I’m so much happier, and I can’t wait for the new material!!

Thank you!

Mimi G.

Hi Renee,

It's been over a year now since Sean and I have met, things are going well. Your programme helped me to understand the balance between male and female and how to use it to become a better person for me and my family.

Thanks for helping me see the man of my dreams who i would have probably rejected in the past. It was not easy in the beginning but now we can't help but feel united with each other and have love, support and admiration towards one another, something that is totally new to us.

This is a picture taken in Cuba on our anniversary, it wasn't planned as such as we went there for five weeks during the winter, I'm also living with Sean and know his family. When i first met him i felt engaged or taken, after a year now i feel married, his friends at work ask him how "the wifey" is wink wink!

I also feel like there are kids coming in the way, none of this was planned or even in my head, I guess Sean's not feeling the pressure, which gave him space to be himself and not feel threatened.

Take care and i look forward to hearing from you and your work.

Lots of love


Renee and David,

Thank you soooo much for this program. Not only has it allowed me to understand what went wrong in past relationships (my fault), it has allowed me to let myself be vulnerable with my new man and see his fears and help allay them. I know that we would already have broken up if not for this program. It came into my life at just the time I needed it!

And now, even when he shuts down and wants to run, I don’t get scared and I know how to handle it. And he has come back every single time! So, thank you not only for saving my present relationship, but for all the happiness I will have in the future thanks to you both.



Hi Renee

I am not a “paying subscriber” to your programs as I am not in a financial position to afford them but I can tell you that just being a subscriber to your blog posts has changed my whole perspective on Men and how to find and keep my very own Prince.

And after kissing many frogs…I can finally say that I have put your advice into action…taken a step back and tried to understand “love" from my mans perspective and voila – I now have an incredibly committed man who I know is so in love with me at the deepest level possible and it feels absolutely incredible!

I would love to have done your understanding men program etc…maybe it wouldn’t have taken me so long but I just wanted to say a huge thank you for giving some of your advice out for free too – I’m sure there are many women out there who you are helping enormously.

Keep it up – you definitely know what you are talking about!

Many thanks

Natalie G

…I cannot tell you what a relief it is to finally have clarity & peace of mind! I have much respect for you as a woman.

I feel like saying “thank you” is such an injustice but I don’t know what else I could possibly say to show my gratitude. You have amazing insight & without a doubt yours is the best site I have come across.

Thank You!!


Dear Renee,

After reading lots of your e-mails and reading a few of your books, my love life has changed drastically (that's an understatement). I'm proud to say that I finally understand men. I understand that I must be a high-value woman in order to draw in the right man who will commit to me.

Days after I had this break-through, Mr. Right just... appeared! And I even had random men approach me and notice me... which NEVER used to happen. Not to mention the bitter, man-bashing women in my life began to grow very jealous and resentful of me and my new found positivity/compassion towards men. Let's just say I now only surround myself with positive women who are very appreciative of the men in their lives.

The current relationship I'm in is unlike any others I have been in (and I have been in way too many terrible ones). This man worships the ground I walk on and does the most romantic things for me every single day. We have an intense connection and are ridiculously attracted to one another. Not once do I feel compelled to act out of a place of desperation with him. When he pulls away, I no longer see it in a negative light. I support his me-time, guys' night time, etc. and simply let him be. Even if I don't hear from him for hours or even an entire day, I feel no sense of worry or dread. Instead I do great things for myself and focus on my hobbies. When we do see each other again, our attraction/connection is even more mind-blowing. It makes me happy to know that he has his life and I have my own, but we can share our lives too. This sort of respect isn't something I've experienced before.

He keeps on telling me that he never thought a woman could actually get him... he literally thinks I'm a different species of woman! My fears of getting cheated on, mistreated, etc. obliterated. My extremely negative misconceptions of men don't taunt me anymore either.

However, there is no way I can take full credit for this remarkable transformation. You, Renee, opened my eyes wide. The information you share is *extremely* valuable even if some of it isn't exactly easy to hear. Every woman should know about you and the amazing wisdom you have to offer. All these informative messages have been a true blessing to me. Thank you a million times!




"I have followed your work ever since it first began. I have personally experienced that every word you say is true. I am going through really rough times in my life right now, on most days, I wake up just to read your blog to keep moving through life.

Thanks for being you. May God bless you."


"I think this was the best video yet… sooo much to think about! It was great to have some examples of how to come from a place of vulnerability, not fear. Also LOVE the tips on allowing him to build freedom in your presence. Thank you Renee- this is exactly what I looked for when I signed up!!!"

Katie T

"Renee and David,

Thank you soooo much for this program. Not only has it allowed me to understand what went wrong in past relationships (my fault), it has allowed me to let myself be vulnerable with my new man and see his fears and help allay them. I know that we would already have broken up if not for this program. It came into my life at just the time I needed it!

And now, even when he shuts down and wants to run, I don’t get scared and I know how to handle it. And he has come back every single time! So, thank you not only for saving my present relationship, but for all the happiness I will have in the future thanks to you both.


Elizabeth H.

Renee & David...

I have to say a big thank you to you and how grateful I am and in many ways fortunate that I came across you and your website!

You have been inspiring and hopeful for me. Not only do you educate me and take me out of the darkness but you also helped me find a new way of thinking. A way to adopt a new attitude and make change in my life.

You have empowered me in more ways that I thought possible, not only in how I have started to interact with males but with all people I interact.

That thing that empowered me so much was those few words that you wrote and they were ‘I am more than enough’

Those words had an immediate effect on me, it’s like as I read them and took my next breath they became apart of me and then it occurred to me how many times I have felt not enough and I did the worst thing ever by trying and trying and then trying even harder and ending up nowhere. Feeling like I am more than enough takes away all the pressure of having to do or having to be and allows me to ‘just be’.

Thank you so very much Renee. I have to be honest with you I have others that I receive help from in this field and you are by far the most resourceful and most giving of all.

Thank you so very much and I hope my energy of gratitude reaches your Being.

Thank you

Vikki Nousias
Vikki Nousias

Hi Renee and David

I love your stuff. Ive been following you for a while now and have gotten tons of useful information. I went through your commitment control program as well. I have to say though, your blog posts have been very helpful but the program seemed still on the surface for me. Im wondering if you have a next level for women in how to really develop ourselves in a deep lasting way as high value? Actions, meditations or ways of being.

I get hung up by other women and judge myself harshing in comparison to them. Your stuff has helped a lot but I still feel like the depth of being high value and really owning it is missing somehow for me. Im looking for what else I can do to really get it. It slips away too easy as soon as I see my guy looking too long at another woman. Then I turn into an insecure little girl.

I save your letters and reread them when I get in that space. Thanks for doing what you do! You are making a difference!

Lisa Love
Lisa Love

6 more reasons why you'll love this program...


What We Believe...

We believe that every single one of us, you and I deserve love. We deserve to experience the feelings of warmth, connectedness and passion.

We deserve to be loved exactly how we are right now, without having to become someone else in the process, and regardless of how we look, how many friends we have, or how successful we think we are.

We believe in delivering to you the most cutting edge coaching, so that you can experience the joy and the euphoria that life has to offer, no matter where you are right now.